Often unknown to the general public, anatomo-cytopathologists develop and carry out the most innovative personalised medicine examinations every day and evaluate the therapeutic success of treatments recommended for cancer patients.

Cerba HealthCare has a network of anatomo-cytopathology practicionners, Cerba Path, currently settled in France and Belgium.
Although it is best known for its applications in gynaecology (cervical cancer screening, cytology and HPV), it also works with all medical disciplines: urology, hepatogastroenterology, haematology, dermatology, pneumology and ENT.

Primary HPV: support the transformation of cervical screening prescribtions as part of the new recommendations with the introduction of primary HPV for women over 30.
Oncogenetics: develop the offer to support clinicians in the implementation of personalized therapies.
Digitization: implement new tools for digitising slides, enabling physicians to set a diagnosis on a screen remotely from the technical sites, to examine a slide with several people in order to make a collective diagnosis and share the digitised image with offsite experts.