General terms and conditions of use

General terms and conditions of use of the Cerba HealthCare website

Cerba HealthCare (hereinafter referred to as “Cerba HealthCare”) wishes to present its group, all its activities in France and internationally, as well as its news through this website (the “Site”).

It also wishes to allow people who would like to apply for a job in one of the Cerba HealthCare Group’s entities to have direct access to the links to the recruitment sites.

Article 1 - Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions of Use


Visitors to the Site (“You”) are required to read the Terms and Conditions of Use (the “Terms and Conditions of Use”) carefully before browsing the Site.

By browsing the Site, You are deemed to have read the Terms and Conditions of Use, to have accepted them and to be committed to respecting them. These General Terms and Conditions of Use constitute a contract between You and Cerba HealthCare, a société par actions simplifiée (French simplified company limited by shares) with a share capital of € 877,503,744.70, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies’ Register under number 824 988 117, whose registered office is at 11-13, rue René Jacques 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux (France).

Cerba HealthCare reserves the right to modify and update the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time without notice or obligation. It is therefore up to You to regularly consult the Terms and Conditions of Use. Your continued use of the Site following any changes to the Terms and Conditions of Use shall constitute your acceptance of such changes.


Article 2 - Cerba HealthCare Group Information Site


Cerba HealthCare provides information about its group, its news and its activities on the Site.

In addition, it also allows candidates who would like to apply for a job in one of the Cerba HealthCare Group’s entities to access the recruitment sites.

Cerba HealthCare cannot guarantee that the Site, and in particular the information contained therein, is free from error or omission. It is therefore Your responsibility to use the information available on the Site with discretion.



Article 3 - Hyperlinks


3.1. The creation of any hypertext link to the Site or any part of the Site is prohibited without the prior written consent of Cerba HealthCare.

Hyperlinks to the Site may have been created without the knowledge of Cerba HealthCare. Cerba HealthCare is not responsible for the information presented on these other sites or for their content.


3.2. The existence of a hypertext link on the Site to another site does not imply validation of that site or its content by Cerba HealthCare.

Cerba HealthCare shall not be liable for any information, opinions or recommendations expressed on these sites, nor shall Cerba HealthCare be held liable for any dispute between You and any other site publisher. The persons who develop and publish these sites are solely responsible for compliance with the regulations applicable to them.


Article 4 - Liability


4.1. Cerba HealthCare shall not be liable, in particular, for any damage of any kind whatsoever resulting from the management, use, operation, interruption or malfunction of the Site.

4.2. Cerba HealthCare undertakes to use its best endeavours to ensure the availability of the Website. Nevertheless, the operation of the Site and access to the Site may be interrupted from time to time to enable Cerba HealthCare to carry out maintenance, updating and upkeep of the computer system (hardware and software) necessary for the operation of the Site. Cerba HealthCare cannot be held liable in any way for this.

4.3. Cerba HealthCare shall not be liable in the event of force majeure or any other event beyond its control, in particular in the event of interruption of the Site resulting from a failure of Your telephone network or Your Internet access provider.


4.4. Cerba HealthCare is not responsible for any fraudulent use that may be made by any Internet user or, more generally, by any third party, of the information or content that they may find on the Site.


Article 5 - Personal data


The use of the Website does not result in the processing of personal data by Cerba HealthCare.


Article 6 - Intellectual property


You acknowledge and agree that the Site, Cerba HealthCare’s trademarks, logos and other distinctive signs and any software used on the Site and the contents of the Site (i.e., any text, video, photographs or other information in any format and of any nature whatsoever contained on the Site) (the “Properties”) are the exclusive property of Cerba HealthCare and/or companies in its Group. The Properties may be protected by copyright, trademark law, patent law or any other intellectual property law.

You may not copy, modify, reproduce, distribute, publish, incorporate in any medium, adapt, transfer or assign, license, sub-license, pledge, or otherwise transmit the Properties in any form or reverse engineer or attempt to access the source code and/or protocols of the Properties without the express agreement of Cerba HealthCare or the rights holder. 


Failure to comply with this ban constitutes an infringement that may give rise to civil and criminal liability for the offender.


Article 7 - Applicable law and jurisdiction


The Terms and Conditions of Use and the relationship between You and Cerba HealthCare are governed by French law. The French courts shall have jurisdiction to rule on all disputes that may arise between the parties in connection with the performance hereof.