At Cerba HealthCare, we believe that corporate social responsibility is inherent in our commitment to advancing health and patient care. Aligned with our business, CSR also takes shape in the areas of human capital, business ethics and respect for the environment.

Cerba HealthCare has a history of promoting a culture of inclusion and diversity within its teams.
In 2022, the Group made a commitment to reach 45% of women among its “management committees” population by 2028.

Institut Cerba, an endowment fund created in 2015, reflects Cerba HealthCare's commitment to promoting and developing solidarity and citizen health actions in France and worldwide.

In 2016, Cerba HealthCare created the first Corporate University in the clinical pathology sector with a twofold objective: provide career opportunities for the Group's employees and foster a momentum of knowledge and experience sharing.

Within the Group and in our relationships with suppliers, we strive to apply the principles of our ethical charter to all our activities and behaviour.
In addition to complying with applicable regulations, Cerba HealthCare is also involved in issues relating to the good management of patient and employee personal data, prevention of all forms of corruption and vigilance regarding its risks in its own operations and supply chain.

We are committed to helping protect our planet, beyond the rigorous management of waste from our laboratories.
With the completion of its first carbon footprint in 2021 and its goal of aligning with the Paris Climate Agreement, the Group is embarking on a transformation process across all its activities.