
17 April 2023
Cerba HealthCare partners with National Midwives Days 2022

Cerba HealthCare teams participated on March 30th and April 1st to the National Midwives Days at the Palais des Congrès in Issy les Moulineaux.
Representatives from Cerballiance, Cerba & Cerba Path were present on the Cerba HealthCare booth to meet the midwives and exchange on the new modalities of screening and biological or cytopathological diagnosis.

During the Cerballiance symposium, Dr. Stéphanie Haim Boukobza, clinical pathologist at Cerba, gave a lecture on the new methods of cervical cancer screening and the place of self-sampling.
Dr. Vincent Gazzano, clinical pathologist at Cerballiance, proposed, for his part, an update on the news of biological diagnosis of STI.
Two days rich in meetings and exchanges close to these health professionals, major actors of women's health.


Discover the JSF 2022 in pictures