For the second consecutive year, our trainees and co-op students have awarded Cerba HealthCare the HappyIndex® Trainees label.
We would like to thank them for their participation which allows the teams better understand their expectations while offering them an enriching professional experience.
Happy Trainees is an independent label that allows companies to know how they are perceived by students.
In practice, each trainee and co-op student who has worked within the Group for more than 3 months receives an anonymous and confidential questionnaire. This survey covers six themes:
- Opportunities for professional advancement
- Quality of the work environment
- Management
- Motivation
- Sense of pride and belonging to the company
- The pleasure of working for this company
These testimonies are valuable because they allow us to improve the integration and support of trainees and co-op students within our entities.
This year, the survey was adressed to 117 trainees and co-op students. They are particularly interested in:
- the possible professional advancement (85.5%)
- our work organisation (76.9%)
- the quality of our management (76.8%)
- the pleasure of working at Cerba HealthCare (77.5%)
87% of them precise that they have the opportunity to learn and develop their skills within the Group.
Cerba HealthCare obtains a score of 3.92/5.
Congratulations to our instructors who support trainees ad co-op students within their teams on a daily basis.
See tou soon at Choosemycompany to discover the testimonials !