Cerba HealthCare University

Accessible from a digital platform, the educational offer is divided into 4 categories:

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Patient relationship



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Personal development


Professional effectiveness

The formathon, the in-house training parti-pris

Launched in 2021 by the Cerba HealthCare University, this initiative aims to mobilise our clinical pathologists, laboratory technicians and medical secretaries for a week each year to produce in-house training for all our employees.
These training courses, accessible from the Group's e-learning platform, enable our field employees to benefit from continuous medical training and thus develop their skills.

Training is a strong marker for Cerba HealthCare: we want all our employees to be able to develop as they wish within the Group and beyond, enhancing their employability.

Lionelle Mazoyer

Human Resources Director at Cerba HealthCare

Patented and innovative higher education curriculum 

In parallel, since 2012, the Group has developed a patented and innovative higher education curriculum with leading schools such as EM Lyon Business School, the Institut d'Economie Scientifique et de Gestion (IESEG) and Centrale Lyon.
Our objective: to provide career opportunities for the Group's employees and to encourage a dynamic of knowledge and experience sharing.